
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Deeded over

I found something beautiful today in one of the books in the adoration chapel:
Has God, then, in giving himself for us, made himself ours? Yes, replies St. Bernard. 'He is born who belonged to himself.' He who appertained to himself chose to be born for us and to become ours; love triumphs over God.

This God, over whom none besides can rule, yielded himself captive to love. Love has gained the victory over him and, from being his own, has reduced him into our possession.

St. Alphonsus Liguori
The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ
--the Eternal Word, from being his own, has made himself ours


Therese Z said...

Our God. OUR God. Our GOD. One of the most delightful parts of learning to love and serve God is discovering that He has EVERYTHING in Him: spousal love, parental love, gentleness, strength, passion, quiet, triumph, humility. Not a part of human life that is not a mirror of an aspect of God. So He IS ours, because He graced all these virtues and emotions and actions.

Cool. God's cool.



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"There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know."

Pres. Barack Obama, Feb 5, 2009