I found a lot of cool stuff this evening. Detente is "an evangelical, a Catholic, a mere Christian blog." Very good. Check it out.
That's where I learned about an online retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius sponsored by Creighton University's Collaborative Ministries Office. Even better, Detente pointed me to Steve Bogners who is providing space for whoever wants to do the retreat together and share with the virtual group that forms.
I'm too tired right now to read all the material and think about how to get started, but this is too good an opportunity to pass up without giving it a try. I love the thought of online community; this will be a lovely experiment. And it's a good time for me to make a retreat and get righter with God. Anybody else interested?
Weekend Things
56 minutes ago
I've long wanted to do the Ignatian exercises, and wanted to do them RIGHT, not quick like a bunny over a compressed weekend, not on my own, skipping and ducking and not spending enough time on parts (they're pretty daunting to read, at least they were the last time I tried).
Maybe this is a way to dip a toe in the water.
I'm really enjoying it even though I'm not doing it "intensely". I figure if the Pope did it every year, I can certainly count on getting another pass at it someday, so this one doesn't have to be perfect.
Thanks for the nod to Detente. I'm trying to follow the retreat, but sometimes I think the very factors that make it appeal to me also challenge my ability to participate fully. I may need to be tucked into a cell at a monastery to get an actual retreat in!
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