New Orleans and much of the deep South will never be the same again. More importantly, the survivors and the families of the lost will need great grace from God and help from us.
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I simply adore New Orleans. I don't know why, sometimes: sin is encouraged, winked at, celebrated. But it's encouraged in Las Vegas, which place give me the major creeps, but New Orleans just doesn't bother me as much.
I read of the damage to buildings I have eaten fine meals in, heard great music in, hung around in, and my heart sinks. The people seem helpless and unable to cope with this devastation. I read of one guy whose house is over 130 years old and has NEVER FLOODED, so they are not like some areas which are hit over and over again.
Just a little chime in from you local geek: a "wiki" is a type of website that allows anyone to sign on and make changes to it, the democracy of web authoring if you will. It's a generic concept, which in this particular case is being utilized by some generous volunteers.
I simply adore New Orleans. I don't know why, sometimes: sin is encouraged, winked at, celebrated. But it's encouraged in Las Vegas, which place give me the major creeps, but New Orleans just doesn't bother me as much.
I read of the damage to buildings I have eaten fine meals in, heard great music in, hung around in, and my heart sinks. The people seem helpless and unable to cope with this devastation. I read of one guy whose house is over 130 years old and has NEVER FLOODED, so they are not like some areas which are hit over and over again.
God preserve them and aid them.
Just a little chime in from you local geek: a "wiki" is a type of website that allows anyone to sign on and make changes to it, the democracy of web authoring if you will. It's a generic concept, which in this particular case is being utilized by some generous volunteers.
Thanks, Justin. See what happens when a middle-aged non-geek tries to make it up as she goes along?
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