Let's face it, we've lost our blogging rhythm. It's not that there's nothing new in God's world to marvel over, I've simply developed blog poisoning.
What's that, you ask? I'm sure it's happened to you - you will be lost in thought, or prayer, or both, and God is leading your mind through some intricate thought, some small revelation simply by His Grace, and an irritating little voice pipes up "THAT would make a good blog entry!"
And before you know it, you are framing your thought into a blog presentation. You're no longer sharing with the Lord, you're composing a pithy little entry to start a discussion or draw attention or demonstrate your mental agility.
So, I for one am taking a break here. I am all over some of my favorite blogs, and commenting seems more spontaneous than this. My blogsister Roz is adjusting to her married life, no doubt, and you can visit her separate blog "In Dwelling" by clicking the link to the right.
For now, the Lord bless and keep you, may He make His light to shine round about you, and give you peace. I'll come back here or somewhere, and I pray that you are blessed by the religious blogworld as much as I have and continue to be.
Peace be upon you, brothers and sisters. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
Notes on Mark: Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac
2 hours ago
I'm going to miss you!
I'll come and pester you at YOUR wonderful blog, the Happy Catholic!
Merry Christma Therese. Blessings for a great 2007!
I hope you come back soon. I do know what you mean about 'reading and then thinking "Ah, a blog entry!" I have to keep my 'wits about me' at times, but it IS such a blessing in my life to have this as a creative outlet and also to be blessed by so many other "on fire" Catholics and honest seekers!
I was just going through our blog and archived posts and came across your comment from last May, 2006. I'm a little slow in replying eh?
Anyway, have a blessed Easter Season. Isn't it great in the CC that Easter is no longer just a 'day' on the calendar, but a whole octave and even a 50 days long celebration!
Come visit us again. I have a poetry blog going now, too.
Blessings to you and yours,
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