
Friday, April 15, 2005

Birthing the Pope

One good thing about the news coverage right now, particularly on EWTN, is that we are reminded often that the Church teaches that the Holy Spirit guides and directs the College of Cardinals in choosing our next Pope. This just slays many uneducated, breathless, smirky reporters standing in front of the Vatican, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of it ourselves.

A father is not elected; he is not guaranteed fatherhood; he becomes one in unity with his bride and by the gift of life from God. Neither is a Pope identified or anointed at birth as Pope.

Jesus as the Son of God was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin's womb. God granted St. Joseph the protection of Jesus; even Jesus needed a father and a family. The Holy Spirit, wishing never to leave alone the Church, his Bride, "conceives" for us a father, a Holy Father, not by biology, but by spirit. Not a replacement for God, but a head of our family, a shepherd, a leader.

When they cry out "Habemus Papam!" on the balcony, it will be just as exciting as when you hear from the delivery room "Your baby has been born!" I can't wait!
* * * * *
ADDENDUM from Roz: Here's a nifty graphic of Vatican City showing conclave locations and details. Hat tip to Amy.




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"There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know."

Pres. Barack Obama, Feb 5, 2009